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Neural Representations have recently been shown to effectively reconstruct a wide range of signals from 3D meshes and shapes to images and videos. We show that, when adapted correctly, neural representations can be used to directly represent the weights of a pre-trained convolutional neural network, resulting in a Neural Representation for Neural Networks (NeRN). Inspired by coordinate inputs of previous neural representation methods, we assign a coordinate to each convolutional kernel in our network based on its position in the architecture, and optimize a predictor network to map coordinates to their corresponding weights. Similarly to the spatial smoothness of visual scenes, we show that incorporating a smoothness constraint over the original network's weights aids NeRN towards a better reconstruction. In addition, since slight perturbations in pre-trained model weights can result in a considerable accuracy loss, we employ techniques from the field of knowledge distillation to stabilize the learning process. We demonstrate the effectiveness of NeRN in reconstructing widely used architectures on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNet. Finally, we present two applications using NeRN, demonstrating the capabilities of the learned representations.
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In 2019 Kerdels and Peters proposed a grid cell model (GCM) based on a Differential Growing Neural Gas (DGNG) network architecture as a computationally efficient way to model an Autoassociative Memory Cell (AMC) \cite{Kerdels_Peters_2019}. An important feature of the DGNG architecture with respect to possible applications in the field of computational neuroscience is its \textit{capacity} refering to its capability to process and uniquely distinguish input signals and therefore obtain a valid representation of the input space. This study evaluates the capacity of a two layered DGNG grid cell model on the Fashion-MNIST dataset. The focus on the study lies on the variation of layer sizes to improve the understanding of capacity properties in relation to network parameters as well as its scaling properties. Additionally, parameter discussions and a plausability check with a pixel/segment variation method are provided. It is concluded, that the DGNG model is able to obtain a meaningful and plausible representation of the input space and to cope with the complexity of the Fashion-MNIST dataset even at moderate layer sizes.
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Recent work attributes progress in NLP to large language models (LMs) with increased model size and large quantities of pretraining data. Despite this, current state-of-the-art LMs for Hebrew are both under-parameterized and under-trained compared to LMs in other languages. Additionally, previous work on pretrained Hebrew LMs focused on encoder-only models. While the encoder-only architecture is beneficial for classification tasks, it does not cater well for sub-word prediction tasks, such as Named Entity Recognition, when considering the morphologically rich nature of Hebrew. In this paper we argue that sequence-to-sequence generative architectures are more suitable for LLMs in the case of morphologically rich languages (MRLs) such as Hebrew. We demonstrate that by casting tasks in the Hebrew NLP pipeline as text-to-text tasks, we can leverage powerful multilingual, pretrained sequence-to-sequence models as mT5, eliminating the need for a specialized, morpheme-based, separately fine-tuned decoder. Using this approach, our experiments show substantial improvements over previously published results on existing Hebrew NLP benchmarks. These results suggest that multilingual sequence-to-sequence models present a promising building block for NLP for MRLs.
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Inference from large autoregressive models like Transformers is slow - decoding K tokens takes K serial runs of the model. In this work we introduce speculative decoding - an algorithm to sample from autoregressive models faster without any changes to the outputs, by computing several tokens in parallel. At the heart of our approach lie the observations that (1) hard language-modeling tasks often include easier subtasks that can be approximated well by more efficient models, and (2) using speculative execution and a novel sampling method, we can make exact decoding from the large models faster, by running them in parallel on the outputs of the approximation models, potentially generating several tokens concurrently, and without changing the distribution. Our method supports existing off-the-shelf models without retraining or architecture changes. We demonstrate it on T5-XXL and show a 2X-3X acceleration compared to the standard T5X implementation, with identical outputs.
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Denoising diffusion models (DDMs) have led to staggering performance leaps in image generation, editing and restoration. However, existing DDMs use very large datasets for training. Here, we introduce a framework for training a DDM on a single image. Our method, which we coin SinDDM, learns the internal statistics of the training image by using a multi-scale diffusion process. To drive the reverse diffusion process, we use a fully-convolutional light-weight denoiser, which is conditioned on both the noise level and the scale. This architecture allows generating samples of arbitrary dimensions, in a coarse-to-fine manner. As we illustrate, SinDDM generates diverse high-quality samples, and is applicable in a wide array of tasks, including style transfer and harmonization. Furthermore, it can be easily guided by external supervision. Particularly, we demonstrate text-guided generation from a single image using a pre-trained CLIP model.
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电力系统状态估计面临着不同类型的异常。这些可能包括由总测量错误或通信系统故障引起的不良数据。根据实施的状态估计方法,负载或发电的突然变化可以视为异常。此外,将电网视为网络物理系统,状态估计变得容易受到虚假数据注射攻击的影响。现有的异常分类方法无法准确对上述三种异常进行分类(区分),尤其是在歧视突然的负载变化和虚假数据注入攻击时。本文提出了一种用于检测异常存在,对异常类型进行分类并识别异常起源的新算法更改或通过错误数据注入攻击针对的状态变量。该算法结合了分析和机器学习(ML)方法。第一阶段通过组合$ \ chi^2 $检测指数来利用一种分析方法来检测异常存在。第二阶段利用ML进行异常类型的分类和其来源的识别,特别是指突然负载变化和错误数据注射攻击的歧视。提出的基于ML的方法经过训练,可以独立于网络配置,该网络配置消除了网络拓扑变化后算法的重新训练。通过在IEEE 14总线测试系统上实施拟议的算法获得的结果证明了拟议算法的准确性和有效性。
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高能量密度物理(HEDP)实验通常涉及在低密度泡沫内部传播的动态波 - 前。这种效果会影响其密度,因此影响其透明度。泡沫生产中的一个常见问题是产生有缺陷的泡沫。需要有关其尺寸和同质性的准确信息来对泡沫的质量进行分类。因此,这些参数使用3D测量激光共聚焦显微镜进行表征。对于每个泡沫,拍摄五个图像:两张2D图像,代表顶部和底部泡沫平面和3D扫描的侧面横截面的三张图像。专家必须通过图像集进行手动对泡沫质量进行分类的复杂,苛刻和疲惫的工作,然后才能确定是否可以在实验中使用泡沫。目前,质量有两个二元级别的正常与缺陷。同时,通常需要专家来对正常缺陷的子类别进行分类,即有缺陷但可能需要实验的泡沫。由于不确定的判断,该子类是有问题的,这主要是直观的。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种新颖的最先进的多视图深度学习分类模型,该模型通过自动确定泡沫的质量分类并因此有助于专家来模仿物理学家的观点。我们的模型在上表面和下表面泡沫平面上达到了86 \%的精度,整个集合中达到了82 \%,这表明了该问题的有趣启发式方法。这项工作中的一个重大价值是能够回归泡沫质量而不是二进制扣除,甚至可以在视觉上解释该决定。本工作中使用的源代码以及其他相关来源可在以下网址获得:https://github.com/scientific-computing-lab-nrcn/multi-view-foams.git
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